I am a postdoctoral researcher in applied and computational mathematics at EPFL (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne) as part of the Geometric Computing Laboratory lead by Prof. Mark Pauly.
My research focuses on the geometric structures inherent in a number of physical or biological systems. I seek to leverage these for the development of efficient and reliable algorithms for problems in areas such as computer graphics, physics simulation, manufacturing or robotics.
In 2024, I completed my PhD at the institute of mathematics of the Technische Universität Berlin under the supervision of Prof. Ulrich Pinkall (TU Berlin) and Prof. Peter Schröder (Caltech) as a member of the Berlin Mathematical School. Prior to my current position, I was an investigator for the collaborative research center SFB/TRR 109 “Discretization in Geometry and Dynamics“, funded by the German Research Foundation. In 2023 I was a visiting researcher at Caltech supervised by Prof. Peter Schröder.
I am currently collaborating with the groups of Prof. Albert Chern (UC San Diego), Prof. Martin Rumpf (University of Bonn) and Prof. Yasemin Özkan-Aydin (University of Notre Dame).
- Christopher Berg Smiet invited me to give an online talk titled Force-Free Fields are Conformally Geodesic in the SPECtaculars' meeting (December 2024)
- Prof. Christopher Wojtan invited me to talk about Conformal Geodesibility and Ideal MHD in the Wojtan group seminar at the Institute of Science and Technology, Austria (November 2024)
- Prof. Renzo Ricca invited me to give a talk about Geometry of Plasma Knots in the Minisymposium on Topological Fluid Dynamics as part of the EQUADIFF 2024 conference at Karlstad University, Sweden (June 2024)
- I've successfully defended my thesis titled Conformal geometry in ideal magnetohydrodynamics and obtained my PhD with distinction (summa cum laude) (May 2024)
- Sean Even presented a poster on our joint research on Optimizing Robotic Snake Gait with Machine Learning and Shape Change Algorithms at the 2024 Midwest Robotics Workshop (MWRW) (Apr 2024)
- I was invited by Freitagsrunde to give an introductory workshop on Houdini for Computer Graphics at the TU Berlin, Fak IV (Apr 2024)
- Our paper Going with the Flow was accepted by ACM Transactions on Graphics and will be presented at SIGGRAPH 2024, Denver, CO, USA (March 2024)
- I was invited by Prof. Chandrajit Bajaj to give a talk about Geometric Approaches to Fluid Simulations in the ODEN Institute seminar at the ODEN Institute for Computational Engineering & Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin (Feb 2024)
- I was invited by Prof. Qixing Huang for a research visit at the University of Texas at Austin (Feb 2024)
- I was invited by Prof. Martin Rumpf to give a talk about Shifting Shapes with Shape Shifts in the Colloquium of the SFB 1060 at the University of Bonn (Nov 2023)
- I was invited by Prof. Mark Pauly to give a talk on Variational Energies for Curves with Variable Thickness in the Geometric Computing Laboratory at the EPFL (Nov 2023)
- I was invited by Prof. Yasemin Özkan-Aydin to give an online talk on Geometric Mechanics for Physics Simulation in the MiNiRoLab at the University of Notre Dame (Oct 2023)
- Andrei Mihai wrote an article for Spectrum.de SciLogs featuring my work on Motion from Shape Change (Oct 2023)
- I was interviewed by Rahul Rao who wrote an article about our paper Motion from Shape Change for IEEE Spectrum (Sep 2023)
- I presented our paper Motion from Shape Change at the Geometry Workshop Obergurgl 2023 (Aug 2023)
- I presented our paper Motion from Shape Change at ACM SIGGRAPH 2023 (Aug 2023)
- Our paper Motion from Shape Change was featured by Caltech News (Aug 2023)
- I presented a poster about our paper Motion from Shape Change as part of Caltech's Women in STEM program (Aug 2023)
- Our paper Plasma Knots was accepted for publication in Physics Letters A(June 2023)
- I present a poster about our paper Motion from Shape Change at the CMS + IST Meeting of the Minds (MotM) at Caltech (May 2023)
- I was selected to participate in the 10th Heidelberg Laureate Forum (October 2023)
- I was invited by Prof. Albert Chern to give a talk on the Shifting Shapes with Shape Shifts in the Pixel Cafe in the CSE department at UC San Diego (April 2023)
- I presented our work on Filament Based Plasma in the CMX Student/Postdoc Seminar at Caltech
- I was invited by Prof. Paul M. Bellan to give a talk on A Geometric Approach to Magnetic Relaxation in the Bellan Plasma Group Seminar at Caltech
- I am currently a visiting graduate researcher at Caltech supervised by Prof. Peter Schröder
- Our paper Filament Based Plasma is featured in the 2023 Calendar of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- I presented our paper Filament Based Plasma at the Discrete Geometric Structures workshop, Vienna
- I presented our paper Filament Based Plasma at SIGGRAPH 2022, Vancouver
- I was invited by Prof. Albert Chern to give a talk on the Lagrangian Modeling and Geometric Optimization in Plasma Physics at UC San Diego
- I was invited by Prof. Olga Diamanti to give a talk on the Riemannian Geometry in Plasma Physics in the geometry seminar at TU Graz
- Our paper Filament Based Plasma was accepted by ACM Transactions on Graphics and will be presented at SIGGRAPH 2022, Vancouver